Based in Phuket, Thailand, Shaun Stenning is a skilled businessman and a devoted member of his community whose professional focus currently resides in uplifting his neighbors and empowering his fellow residents of Thailand. A pillar of Shaun Stenning’s philosophy is...
Living Waters Phuket Foundation – Building Brighter Futures Weekly Highlights: This week, the Intercontinental Hotel in Kamala distributed the final life bags as part of the Phuket Hotels Association joint initiative. It was heartening to see finally, that demand did...
Shaun Stenning has lived and invested in businesses in Phuket, Thailand for over 15 years prior to becoming a founding member of Living Waters Phuket. Shaun decided along with his family that during the 2019 pandemic that there was a great need for emergency relief in...
Living Waters Phuket Foundation – Building Brighter Futures Weekly Highlights: Emergency Food Relief Efforts – Lase week was yet another busy week with various food efforts. Marriott Bonvoy Hotel group packed and distributed 800 life bags in the Cherngtalay and Patong...
Living Waters Phuket Foundation – Building Brighter Futures Weekly Highlights: Emergency Food Relief Efforts – Another week occupied with Life Bags and emergency food distribution; with over 2,500 Super Life Bags and 1,000 Special Life Bags being packed...